Caddis Shack Guide Service
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Caddis Shack Guide Service
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Custom Flies
Below are some tasty Upper Peninsula fly patterns we've been cooking up for trout, smallmouth steelhead, and salmon.
This is a Rick Kustich fly. He has a video on you tube and its in his book Advanced fly fishing for Great Lakes Steelhead. I would call this according to him one of his confidence flies! He ties it in black and purple which I do to but this color combo is something I do in a hobo spey fly and I've transferred it into this fly as well. This is an easy casting simple fly that swims well. Minimum Order 6. Payment made through VenmoQuantityComing soonSPEY BUGGER
The spey bugger and no it’s not a woolly Bugger! This was one of the Very first flies that I started swinging when I was introduced to two handed rods over 15 years ago and it is still a staple in my box to this day. I tie this in three primary colors but the olive works best. Tied in size is 4, 6, & 8. I fish this fly according to water levels and water temperatures on both floating lines and sinking lines. Again an absolutely great swung fly pattern! Minimum order 6. Payment made through Venmo.SelectQuantityComing soonHOBO SPEY
This is a very full bodied fly that has served me well in this color scheme. This fly is tied in many color schemes but this one serves me best. I fish this fly on a sinking tip based on water levels. I believe the success of this fly again in this color pattern represents the fire tiger rapala which for any spinning rod fisherman is a go to stickbait. Minimum Order 6. Payment through Venmo.QuantityComing soonLITTLE BROWN BOMBER
This is a fly I created several years ago to fish the early fall during low clear water periods. This fly is designed to be swung on an intermediate tip and carries a very slim/small profile. I've done very well with this fly when chasing steelhead and lake run browns! Minimum Order 6. Payment made through Venmo.QuantityComing soonCOVID-19
This fly is my personal creation. It’s a sculpin pattern that I created in March 2020. Before it was named I took it out and fished it and realized very fast it was going to be a great fly/swung pattern! After hooking and landing several large steelhead on the very first day I fished it. I wanted to name it something that represented the time so I nicknamed it COVID-19 because it’s so contagious. Minimum order 6. payment made through Venmo.QuantityComing soonKING KANDY
Taking this fly from our West Coast brotherhood At least the coloration anyway. I started fishing this fly several years ago and it’s basically a hobo Spey On steroids. This is a very large pattern with a lot of movement and it’s very bulky. When it comes to moving big kings this fly has what it takes! Minimum order 6. Payment excepted through Venmo.QuantityComing soonCASED CADDIS
This is an absolutely great pattern for nymphing in the fall and spring when fish are kicking up the gravel. Quite often as a redd is being created and worked the fish not only kick up and release eggs but also dislodge many insects such as caddis. Great fly to nymph down river of actively spawning fish. Minimum order 1 dozen. Payment excepted through Venmo.QuantityComing soonBLOOD DOT EGG
Another egg variation. The clown was always my first choice but this was right behind it! If I was running a tandem egg rig one was a clown and one was always a blood dot! Again tied with glo bug yarn UV treated. SOLD OUT!
$10.00 per dozenQuantityComing soonCLOWN EGG
In the early years of my steelhead fishing adventures this fly was used by myself more than any other quite often fished in tandem as the lead fly with a caddis or some other bug trailering behind. This is an absolute must have for anyone who is ticking bottom in search of steel and lake run browns!
These are tied in size 6-10 with glo bug yarn UV. SOLD OUT!
$10.00 per dozenQuantityComing soon

The Upper Peninsula's premier fly fishing guide service. Whether you're a diehard angler looking to tangle with some trophy fish, or planning a special trip with friends, or just exploring the area, you've come to the right place for an amazing experience.
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