It is going to be a quick one. We have been looking at a mild winter so far, so fishing for trout has been going strong. Currently, we still have quite a bit of open water with some decent flows happening which has led to some pretty good success for anglers.
The hot ticket right now has been the nymph game which is par for the course but the occasion to grab a big one on the strip or swing is still an option. nymphing with stones, caddis, or a well-presented egg pattern has been the choice of fly patterns for the nymph fisherman and if you are willing to take a shot with a streamer a zoo cougar, DND or something similar will be a good choice.
Remember when fishing during the cold season the ticket is to get your presentation low-n-slow and take your time as in this cold water it may take a few extra passes to wake the giant up from its wintertime slumber.