I would like to officially say that the spring and summer seasons here in the Upper Peninsula do not last long enough and that's the end of my rant now let us move on to the more pressing issue of fishing.
The weather looks pretty good as we look at the last few days of August and the first few days of September. There is a fair amount of rain to come along with some cooler temperatures.
Right now on the river, there are a few ephrons out and about usually starting up around 8:30 pm so don't get off the river too early. Along with the ephrons we are also seeing BWOs and caddis and as of this moment I am seeing the signs of the cinnamon flying ant and when the ants are present get to the river as the water will be boiling.
For those of you wanting to go subsurface we are doing well in both the nymph game along with the wet fly swing and for you streamer junkies out there well we need a bit more water in my opinion but throwing streamers slightly weighted or on an intermediate head will produce some great fish.