I wanted to share one of my top flies with you and a must have. This fly was responsible for more of the steelhead and smallmouth that I landed last late winter through spring. I fish this fly strictly on swing with an intermediate tip or heavier depending on water flow. I'm quite certain that you could strip this fly as well. This is the mini version just double up hook size and materials as needed.
1. Size 6 3x long streamer hook
2. X-Small bead chain eyes
3. Grizzly soft hackle tips in olive and tan(3) for the tail stacked on one another
4. Sculpin olive dubbing (senyo lazer dub) I like to tease it out a bit
5.Aqua veil about three or so wraps forward. I cut back about 30% of the tip on the mini color up to you but I like gold/pearl silver/pear black/copper
6. 3/4 wraps of green schlappen as it creates a nice looking body you know the bell shape
7. Finally on the top on the schlappen right above the eyes I like to put a tuft of gold, silver or copper colored dubbing just adds a bit of flash
I hope you give this a try and fish it well! Afterthought I like to pump the rod a bit or do tip lift on occasion just to make swim a bit make it look fishy!

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Caddis Shack Guide Service
Guiding Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Since 2002
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We specialize in fly fishing for Steelhead, Smallmouth and Trout in the beautiful Upper Peninsula near Escanaba, Michigan. Float or Wade. Expert or Beginner. We got ya covered.