The grind is real. It's been a slow start for Michigan's Upper Peninsula spring steelhead season. Until about two or so weeks ago, our rivers were icy and high, and things have begun to settle down. We have dealt with all kinds of weather from ice and snow to rain and sideways wind and let us throw in a little sunburn and 30-degree temperature swings. We have started to see a few fish and we are looking forward to the upcoming weather patterns. The anglers using live bait and center pins and nymphing are producing a few fish. The swing bite does not go so well, let's just say that we are swinging and missing. The fly patterns for the nymphing game will be beads, stones, caddis, and yarn flies and for the swing, I would stick to baitfish patterns such as Feenstras inside bender, my covid 19 fly, and the like.
On a positive note, the weather forcast continues to show increasing temps and the water levels and conditions are amazing. The pump is primed! The next few weeks could be dynamite with both steelhead and smallmouth showing up at the same time.