With a very tough start to the steelhead season, it was refreshing to see the bad boys of the river starting to show up. You ask "the bad boys of the river" yes the smallmouth bass. We are in the pre-spawn's beginning stages, which typically start when the water temperatures hit around 50 degrees.
These fish have just started entering the system and will be around in droves for about the next month or so. Currently, the top way to fish for these giant lake-run smallmouths is with a sinking fly line or head with a very large fly such as a #2 D&D or the like. a very erratic fly with a lot of movement that will move a lot of water.
Let us not forget though that as warmer temperatures approach poppers and other surface bites will start. One of my favorite surface bugs to throw is Matt Zudwigs zudd bubbler as it has a large profile and pushes a lot of water.
With that being said we are also still offering steelhead trips as well if you are willing to go out and put in the work but again our steelhead season has been extremely tough this year.