Fishing Report - Temps are falling
We have been hitting it pretty hard over the past 2 weeks. The big change is the water temps and anybody who chases these lake run fish knows falling temps can sloooooow things down!
Over the past few days i have seen the water temps go from about 41dgrs down to 35.7 which was this evenings official water temp.water levels have jumped up a bit across the U.P. with the resent rains but as I said the air and water temps are falling fast!
The swing bite is still producing a fish or two with the nymph/indicator rig and center pinners doing well!
Until next time GOD bless and stay warm!

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Caddis Shack Guide Service
Guiding Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Since 2002
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We specialize in fly fishing for Steelhead, Smallmouth and Trout in the beautiful Upper Peninsula near Escanaba, Michigan. Float or Wade. Expert or Beginner. We got ya covered.