We are getting ready for fantastic upper peninsula steelhead and smallmouth fly fishing. The pictures are representative of how things change here in the U.P. and how fast! We here in Upper Michigan continue to march forward in-spite of the C19 and so do the fly fishing seasons.
As I sit here pecking away at the keyboard the steelhead are still pushing into the rivers well but the smallmouth are not here yet as I am recording water temps in the high 30s and low 40s.
As you may or may not know we need water temps in the very upper 40s and that temp needs to be consistent. Michigan trout opener is right around the corner (next weekend) as far as water levels go everything in my neck of the woods is looking good and very manageable but again the water is cold and outside of the steelhead its got the fish moving sloooow!
Please keep us in mind as this C19 thing will come to pass and when it does there will be BIG adventures to be had!