Fishing Report - High water
It seems like an eternity since I last posted a fishing report but hey with the flood like stage of all the rivers both east and west of me there simply has not been much to put up! Now the rivers are starting to settle and I'm quite looking forward to the next month with trout season opener along with the spring smallmouth spawn and the remainder of the spring steelhead season. Water levels are receding to manageable levels fast and current water temperatures are in the mid to upper 40s. Steelhead fishing has been fair to good when one can find fish-able water and many of the smaller tribs are becoming quite fish-able as water levels fall. The smallmouth bite should kick in to high gear as soon as we see 48-50 dgr water with some consistency. For now for steelhead if fishing an indicator style an egg pattern followed by a black stone will be a golden ticket and if swinging a fly anything immolating a bait fish pattern/color fished low, slow and deep will do well. Remember with the water still flowing at a fast rate dont hesitate to put on 15 or 20 ft of t-14 or the like so to get the fly down in the ZONE!

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Caddis Shack Guide Service
Guiding Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Since 2002
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We specialize in fly fishing for Steelhead, Smallmouth and Trout in the beautiful Upper Peninsula near Escanaba, Michigan. Float or Wade. Expert or Beginner. We got ya covered.