The hatches right now are popping. With the amount of bug activity that is going on right now the game is definitely on.
Right now we are at the beginning stages of the brown Drake hatch,
,there are plenty of BWO's, Caddis, stoneflies ,and Isos.
We have had plenty of rain this year and currently the rivers are running high once again.
Streamer fishing continues to be good with drunk and disorderly,rattlesnakes,circus peanuts and Zoo cougars being my personal top producers.
Bottom line is this get out there and enjoy this summer weather as we all know it is short lived up here in the U.P.
Until next time God bless and be safe.
The hatches right now are popping. With the amount of bug activity that is going on right now the game is definitely on.
Right now we are at the beginning stages of the brown Drake hatch,
,there are plenty of BW O's, Caddis, stoneflies ,and Isos.
We have had plenty of rain this year and currently the rivers are running high once again.
Streamer fishing continues to be good with drunk and disorderly rattlesnakes circus peanuts and Zoo cougars being my personal top producers.
Bottom line is this get out there and enjoy this summer weather as we all know it is short lived up here in the U.P.
Until next time God bless and be safe.

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Caddis Shack Guide Service
Guiding Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Since 2002
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We specialize in fly fishing for Steelhead, Smallmouth and Trout in the beautiful Upper Peninsula near Escanaba, Michigan. Float or Wade. Expert or Beginner. We got ya covered.