Believe it or not, springtime is here. Our BIG April fools day treat was this rainstorm turned snowstorm. As much as I am truly tired of snow blowing and shoveling this snow bodes well for the Springtime start of the 2023 season and will provide some great water to float this year.
We were able to get out one more time before the melt starts and the rivers turn to raging currents. This coming Wednesday thunderstorms and temps around 50 dgrs will start the thaw and the rivers will be blown out for about a week or so, providing good things to come.
This day was absolutely perfect with overcast skies, light wind, and a moderate snowfall so in other words just about perfect. We did a bit of rip streamers, but the strong bite was definitely the stone fly nymph in black or brown sizes 4-8 tight to the bottom. In other words typical wintertime cold water fishing. (low and slow)